Tuesday, July 11, 2006

The Myth of the New India

New York Times christens the India Growth story "The Myth of the New India " and presents pertinent facts to justify its viewpoint. You can read it here.

  1. Don't all "developing"/"emerging" economies face sudden growth in certain areas and slower/stagnant growth in others?
  2. Is it possible that the "growing" part of the economy will pull the rest along with it? For eg: Will accelerated globalisation also have good side effects like focus on infrastructure development, albeit with a certain time lag?
  3. The India growth story is definitely not a myth going purely by untapped market potential. But to proclaim too much too soon would be a mistake. However, if the good PR helps India, who's complaining?
  4. Generically speaking, the rise of media leads to the rise of hype. Hype surrounds just about any newsworthy issue these days. Can India be an exception?

What do you think?


Blogger Tanvi said...

India's growth is definitely no myth because I(and many others) constantly strive to add to it.

And by the ways,you don't seem to share views with this guy here.

Fri Jul 28, 02:31:00 AM  
Blogger Starship Enterprise said...

Yeah Tanvi, I agree...In fact, thats the gist of the points I have raised in my piece..Guess I should have said "BUT Methinks!"
The sheer explosive nature of growth and change, both economically and culturally, is bound to cause pockets of instability...But there's no doubting India'a growth!

Fri Jul 28, 02:55:00 AM  

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